Emperor Scorpion
Scientific Species Name: Pandinus imperatorEcological role: ground predatorNative habitat: African forests Lifespan: 4-9 yearsMaximum length: 8 inchesLife Cycle: Incomplete Metamorphosis
The Emperor Scorpion is one of the world's largest scorpions. Unlike many scorpions which favor arid environments like deserts, this species is found in warm, humid forests in western Africa. The Emperor Scorpions at the Explorium are housed together in a large group. This is because Emperor Scorpions will live together without hurting one another as long as they have enough space and food. This is very unique: most predatory arthropods will kill each other when housed together. Emperor Scorpions do not lay eggs. Instead, they give live birth. Baby scorpions are soft, helpless, and nearly transparent, and will live on the mother's back for a few weeks until they can live on their own. Emperor Scorpions will also "glow" when ultraviolet light (often called a "black light", which is the same kind of light that makes certain posters and T-shirts glow) is shone over their exoskeleton. The exoskeleton glows because of florescent chemicals in the cuticle, but it is unknown if this serves any adaptive purpose for the scorpion.
Is It Dangerous?
All scorpions have venomous stingers on the ends of their tails, but only a few species are dangerous to humans (including a species in the southwestern United States, the Arizona Bark Scorpion). The Emperor Scorpion is not particularly dangerous, but produces a painful sting that can cause severe allergic reactions to people who are sensitive to bites and stings.
Scorpions in Kentucky?
There is one species of scorpion lives in Kentucky called the Southern Devil Scorpion. It is found in the forests of southeastern Kentucky and it is only about 1.5 inches long. It has a very mild sting.
Even More About Scorpions
Wikipedia: ScorpionsKentucky Scorpions