IPM Videos
Preemergent Herbicides - Dr. Shawn Wrighthttps://youtu.be/uz5CM0AQbqw
Selecting Cover Crops for Your Production System - Dr. Rachel Rudolphhttps://youtu.be/8UAueHm7-mQ
Using Thresholds for Insect Control - Dr. Ric Bessinhttps://youtu.be/8bBqSY_KiOw
Establishment of Cover Crops in Vegetable Systems - Dr. Rachel Rudolphhttps://youtu.be/ow8FkXkiVso
Disease Considerations for Vegetable Cover Crops - Dr. Emily Pfeuferhttps://youtu.be/oXZV0zMN8WQ
Wildlife and Cover Crops - Dr. Matthew Springerhttps://youtu.be/s0jKRi1Ep9k
Cultural Controls for Small Farms and Home Gardens - Dr. Ric Bessinhttps://youtu.be/tuSy7jq8Qpk
Evaluating Sprayers and Spray Coverage for Small Scale Specialty Crops - Dr. Emily Pfeufer (For KY County Extension Agents Only)https://luky-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/ksle226_uky_edu/EfmKM7301AdAtH_QKW4dleUBTmq9ScbkOb2k9s3qdbWL_w?e=GG45Px
Ambrosia Beetles: Phenology and Efficiency of Pyrethroids - Dr. Raul Villanuevahttps://youtu.be/-2sIC9bFgKI
Non-Chemical Weed Management and Teff Grass - Dr. John Stranghttps://youtu.be/MvO-t8VRk5g
Survival and Overwintering Potential of Disease Agents: An Orchard Perspective - Dr. Nicole Gauthierhttps://youtu.be/9RlaHqcNMt8