PSEP: Pesticide Certification Category List
All Categories: General Core Information. Training Manual PDF
(1a) Agricultural Pest Control: Plant. This includes persons applying or supervising the application of pesticides in production of agricultural commodities including, for example, tobacco, peanuts, cotton, feed grains, soybeans and forage, vegetables, small fruits, tree fruits and nuts, grasslands, non-crop agricultural lands, and greenhouses.
(1b) Agricultural Pest Control: Animal. This includes persons applying or supervising the application of pesticides on animals including beef cattle, dairy cattle, swine, sheep, horses, goats, poultry, and livestock, and to places on or in which animals are confined.
(2) Forest Pest Control. This includes persons applying or supervising the application of pesticides in forests, forest nurseries, and forest seed producing areas.
(3) Ornamental, Turf and Lawn Care. This includes persons applying pesticides or impregnated fertilizer to control insects, weeds, and diseases in turf, lawns, and maintenance of ornamental trees, shrubs and flowers, including the control of pests that do not normally invade structures, such as bagworms, grubs, and moles. Licensure in this category shall qualify an applicator to make applications to interior plantscapes, sports turf, and golf courses.
(4) Seed Treatment. This category applies to commercial applicators using or supervising the use of restricted use pesticides on seeds in seed treatment facilities.
(5) Aquatic Pest Control. This includes persons applying or supervising the application of any pesticide purposefully applied to standing or running water. Applicators holding a public health pest control license and engaged in public health-related activities may make applications requiring an aquatic pest control license.
(6) Right-of-Way Pest Control. This includes persons applying or supervising the application of pesticides in the maintenance of public roads, utility lines, pipelines, railway rights-of-way, or other similar areas.
(7) Industrial, Institutional, and Structural Pest Control. This category shall apply to persons who use or supervise the use of pesticides in, on, or around food handling establishments, packing houses, and food-processing facilities; human dwellings; institutions, such as schools, hospitals, and prisons; and industrial establishments, including manufacturing facilities, warehouses, grain elevators, and any other structures and outside areas, public or private, for the protection of stored, processed, or manufactured products. Industrial, institutional, and structural, pest control shall be divided into the following subcategories:
(a) Structural Pest Management. Structural pest management includes persons who use pesticides, other than fumigants, to control pests, general pests, and wood-destroying organisms that threaten the structural integrity, the human occupancy, or the contents of such structures. Persons licensed under this section shall be exempt from the certification license requirements of other categories if using or supervising the use of pesticides to control pests, general pests, and wood-destroying organisms in outside areas related to a structure;
(b) Structural Fumigation. Structural fumigation includes persons who use or supervise the use of a pesticide to fumigate anything other than soil, including structures intended for human occupancy; and
(c) Wood Preservatives. This includes persons who apply pesticides to wood and wood products to protect from wood-destroying organisms. Excluded from this category shall be persons engaged in structural pest control.
(8) Public Health Pest Control. This includes state, tribal, federal or other governmental employees and contractors who use or supervise the use of pesticides in government-sponsored public health programs for the management and control of pests having medical and public health importance. Applicators holding a public health pest control license and engaged in public health-related activities may make applications requiring an aquatic pest control license.
(9) Regulatory Pest Control. This includes state, tribal, federal, or other local governmental employees and contractors who use or supervise the use of pesticides in government-sponsored programs for the control of regulated pests. Licensure in this category does not authorize the purchase, use, or supervision of use of products for predator control authorized under federal law.
(10) Demonstration and Research Pest Control. This includes individuals who demonstrate to the public the proper uses and techniques of applying pesticides or supervise the demonstration. Included in this group shall be persons such as extension specialists and county agents, individuals demonstrating methods used in public programs, and persons conducting field research with pesticides, and in so doing, apply or supervise the application of pesticides. This group shall include state and federal employees and other persons conducting field research on pesticides.
(11) Aerial. This includes persons applying pesticides using fixed or rotary wing aircraft or unmanned aerial vehicles. Persons obtaining this category shall also possess an additional license in another category that relates to the location of the intended target pest.
(12) Soil Fumigation. This includes persons who use or supervise the use of a pesticide to fumigate soil.
(13) Non-Soil Fumigation. This includes persons who use or supervise the use of a pesticide to fumigate anything other than soil, excluding structures intended for human occupancy.