PSEP: Private Applicator Certification Training Videos
Here are short topics in wmv format for use in private applicator certification training. Some of them are based on information from previous Kentucky Pest News articles. The three main sections are general topics, crops, hay, and pastures, and fruits and vegetables.
General Topics
(title and approximate time in minutes)
- Introduction to UKPSEP (11/19) (7:49)
- Pesticide Record Keeping (12/19) (4:24)
- Respirators (12/19) (8:40)
- Nozzle Selection (1/20) (5:06)
- Jar Test for Pesticide Mixture Compatibility (1/20) (4:11)
- Specialty Sprayers For Small Applications (1/20) (4:57)
- Hemp Pesticides (1/20) (9:40)
- Pollinator Protection for Pesticide Applicators (11/19) (2:03)
- Identifying and managing resistant weeds (9/21) (8:26)
- Washing pesticide contaminated clothing (12/15) (1:27)
- Pesticide Spills 1: Prevention (12/15) (1:36)
- Pesticide Spills 2: How to Handle a Spill (12/15) (3:04)
- Pesticide Spills 3: Personal Safety While Working with Spills (12/15) (2:34)
- Basics of Herbicide Carryover (12/14) (8:50)
- 10 Common herbicide application mistakes (11/13) (4:40)
- Invasive insects (12/13) (1:12:29)
- Soil insects 1: Cutworms, seed maggots and wireworms (11/13) (17:10)
- Soil insects 2: White grubs (11/13) (17:10)
- Soil Herbicide Carryover (1/13) (6:00)
- Generic pesticides (6:00)
- Pesticide News: Simizat, Atrazine, and Endosulfan (9:00)
- Reducing pesticide exposure (19:00)
- Storing pesticides safely (5:00)
- Introduction: Private Pesticide Applicator Program (2/17) (4:28)
Pesticide Sprayers and Application
- Boom Sprayer Calibration (4/18) (3:02)
- Air-Blast Sprayer Calibration (11/19) (11:07)
- Preventing dicamba drift (6/18) (1:41)
- How not to spray into an inversion (2/17) (2:27)
- Preventing pesticide spray drift (9/16) (33:06)
- Calibrating a boom sprayer (12/14) (4:30)
- Calibrating an airblast sprayer (Part 1) (12/14) (10:00)
- Calibrating an airblast sprayer (Part 2) (12/14) (10:00)
- Reducing pesticide drift (11/14) (5:08)
- Spray nozzles and drift (11:00)
- Cleaning a sprayer (8:00)
Grain Crops, Hay, and Pastures
- Getting ready for 2,4-D and dicamba technology (12/15) (5:00)
- Palmer amaranth and waterhemp in Kentucky 10/15 (3:35)
- Palmer amaranth: Ohio and Indiana 11/14 (11:00)
- Angoumois grain moth: a pest of stored ear corn 10/14 (13:02)
- Palmer amaranth on the move 10/14 (4:44)
- Herbicide resistant weeds and management strategies 12/13 (55:00)
- Slugs, rodents, and birds (18)
- What hay producers should know about blister beetles (12/15) (4:50)
- Foliar fungicides on alfalfa (11/13) (3.50)
- Corn diseases to watch: Southern corn rust and Tar spot 9/16 (4:40)
- Southern corn rust 12/15 (4:30)
- Detection of Southern rust in Kentucky (12/13) (24:45)
- Fungicide use in corn (12/13) (52:10)
- Borers in corn (11/13) (16:35)
- Corn rootworms (11/13) (16:25)
- Goss's wilt of corn (1/13) (3:00)
- Wet spring weed control in corn (6:00)
- Late season corn insects (5:00)
- Fungicide resistance in corn (6:00)
- Managing corn diseases in 2018 (2:21)
- Pasture weeds: Most toxic to horses (9/16) (8:19)
- Weed control in pastures 2/20 (6:30)
- Poison hemlock in pastures (5:29)
- Standing against the pest: Managing the sugarcane aphid (9/16) (3:25)
- Weed control issues & new technology (9/17) (10:00)
- Sudden death syndrome of soybean (9/16) (3:25)
- Common insect pests in Tennessee soybean (9/16) (9:42)
- Neonicotinoid seed treatments - Univ Nebraska (12/15) (5:40)
- Soybean diseases, soybean cyst nematode, and fungicides (12/13) (56:40 Audio only)
- Charcoal rot (2/13) (5:40)
- The kudzu bug (1/13) (13:30)
- Dectes stem borer in soybeans (1/13) (16:00)
- Spider mites and insect pests in soybeans (4:00)
- Herbicide Resistant Soybean Trait Decisions for 2018 (5:45)
- Expansion of Kudzu Bug in Kentucky 2017 (2:05)
- Fungicides for tobacco transplants (11/13) (4:30)
- Tray drench and transplant water insecticides for tobacco insect pests (2/13) (8:18)
- Managing insects and other pests in float systems (1/13) (9:15)
- Managing Pythium root rot in float beds (1/13) (4:00)
- Wheat disease management (9/17) (18:00)
- Fall management of herbicide-resistant weeds in wheat (12/15) (4:07)
- ALS-resistant chickweed (10/14) (4:44)
- Wheat insects and the green bridge (10/14) (6:13)
- Wheat herbicides and cool temperatures (11/13) (3:00)
- Managing volunteer corn before planting wheat (1/13) (6:00)
- Ryegrass control in wheat (5:00)
- Whiteflies in high tunnel tomatoes (10/15) (3:40)
- Greenhouse pesticide safety (11/14) (7:40)
- Mite and insect problems with high tunnel tomatoes (11/13) (6:25)
- Vegetable fungicides (1/13) (7)
- Sclerotinia sclerotiorum on lettuce and tomato (1/13) (3:30)
- Bacterial diseases of tomato (3:00)
- Bt sweet corn (5:00)
- Cole crop insects (4:00)
- Managing pesticide residues at harvest (9:00)
- Brown marmorated stink bug management (9/16) (video series)
- Blueberry Insect Management, Part 1: Blueberry insect management: Spotted wing Drosophila (9/16) (5:12)
- Blueberry Insect Management, Part 4: Other Blueberry Pests (9/16) (5:12)
- Spotted Wing Drosophila: Detailed Info (12/13) (57:50)
- Fruit growers orchard meeting (12/13) (1:47:14)
- Spotted Wing Drosophila: Management (12/13) (6:45)
- Fire Blight Management (11/13) (3:50)
- Spring strawberry pests (2/13) (6:00)
- Black rot of grape (2/6/13) (1:53)
- Blueberry mosaic virus (1/18/13) (3:00)
- Strawberry gray fruit mold (3:00)
Greenhouse Pesticide Certification
- Worker Protection Standard in greenhouses 8/21 (22:07) UPDATE - annual WPS training now required
- Understanding pesticide labels (2:26)
- Vegetable disease management (10:16) General disease information
Disease Management in Ornamentals
- Predicting the Future pt 1 (6/18) (4:28)
- Predicting the Future pt 2 (6/18) (16:35)
- Predicting the Future pt 3 (6/18) (13:53)
- Sanitation pt 1 (6/18) (4:26)
- Sanitation pt 2 (6/18) (5:04)
- Sanitation pt 3 (6/18) (10:41)
Pesticide Training in Spanish
- WPS Pesticide Handler Training 8/21 (51:14)
- Mitigating pesticide risks for applicators (9/16) (9:26)
- Pesticide Safety: Part 1 (9:40)
- Pesticide Safety: Part 2 (8:40)
- Chasing the Sun: Pestcide Training for Workers (36:12)
Applicators should be reminded of recordkeeping requirements, safe pesticide storage, and Worker Protection Standards.
* Private applicators in Kentucky must keep records of general and restricted use pesticides. Please let me know if you have questions, comments, or suggestions.
PSEP PROGRAM Coordinator
Ric Bessin
S-225 Ag Science North
Lexington, KY 40546-0091
Phone: (859) 257-7450
Fax: (859) 323-1120