Gypsy moth
W. F. Hink/H. G. Miltenburger
Quiot, J. M. (1976). Establishment of a cell line (SCLd 135) from ovaries of the lepidopteran Lymantria dispar L. Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences. Serie D; Li, Y., Jousset, F. X., Giraud, C., Rolling, F., & Bergoin, M. (1996). A titration procedure of the Junonia cœia densovirus and quantitation of transfection by its cloned genomic DNA in four lepidopteran cell lines. Journal of Virological Methods, 57(1), 47-60.
Morphology: This cell line is more similar to "fibroblast" type cells, which are partially floating in the medium; Unique properties: susceptible to various baculoviruses, entomopoxvirus and iridovirus.
Grace’s medium + 15% FCS
Bombyx mori multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus BmNPV, Galleria mellonella multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (GmMNPV) and Junonia caenia densovirus (JcDNV)
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