Cleverson de Sousa Lima

Last Revised: Nov 9th, 2023
Professional Biography
- BS, Biology, Universidade Cidade de Sao Paulo (2016 - 2019)
- MS Student, University of Kentucky (2021 - present)
Work Experience
- August 2018 - December 2018 - Eco Education Instructor - BichoEduca
- February 2017 - December 2019 - Undergraduate Research Assistant. Laboratório de Ciências da Cognição, Universidade de São Paulo
Research Interests
Graduated as a biologist from the Universidade de Cidade de São Paulo, worked on understanding the changes in the ant Atta sexdens' behavioral and physiological responses to temperature rises. Currently pursuing master's in entomology, working on understanding physiological aspects of how the midge Belgica antarctica (and its close relatives) cope with Antarctica's extreme climate conditions. My research interests are ethology and ecophysiology, focusing on behavioral and physiological adaptations to climate change.