Daniel A. Potter

Last Revised: Feb 7th, 2025
Professional Biography
(859) 797-0416 (cell)
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(859) 257-7458 (UK office)
Daniel A. Potter, Professor Emeritus, is an internationally recognized authority on the management of pests and conservation of beneficial insects in urban landscapes. During a 43-year faculty career he supervised 48 graduate students, many who became leaders in academia and industry, and published more than 215 peer-reviewed scientific papers, 25 invited book chapters, three Annual Reviews, many dozens of trade journal articles, and a widely used textbook on turfgrass insect pests. Dan is a frequent invited speaker at scientific and Green Industry conferences throughout the world. An elected Fellow of the Entomological Society of America, he has received national awards for teaching and research, and for service to the horticultural industries. He received his B.S. degree from Cornell University in 1974, and his PhD from the Ohio State University in 1978.
Post-Retirement Speaking and Other Professional Activities
I will continue to do invited in-person or virtual lectures, workshops, and other insect-related educational programs at conferences for land care professionals, Master Gardeners, pollinator enthusiasts, and others concerned with managing or creating sustainable urban landscapes. I can provide engaging talks on topics such as:
1) Destructive Turfgrass Insects: Biology, Diagnosis, and Control (can be tailored to lawns, golf courses, and or sport fields at various learning levels)
2) Managing Insect Pests of Woody Landscape Plants
3) Bees, Pesticides, and Politics: Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Urban Landscapes
4) Building a Better Monarch Butterfly Garden
5) Best Woody Ornamental Plants for Bees
6) Managing Nuisance Pests on Golf Courses (ants, earthworm casts, cicada killers, etc.)
7) Biology and Management of the Japanese beetle
8) Understanding Insecticides (history, types and modes of action, labels and signal words, safe handling and use)
9) Various other topics related to horticultural entomology and IPM
I will also consider opportunities for consulting on issues related to pest management for landscapes and turf.
Lecture or Consulting Inquiries: Please contact: dapotter@uky.edu
In retirement I also plan to stay engaged with entomology through volunteer outreach and STEM-related activities, including talks and demonstrations at schools, arboreta, zoos, science fairs, and other venues.
Selected Career Recognitions; D.A. Potter:
Fellow of the Entomological Society of America
Distinguished Achievement in Teaching Award, Entomological Society of America
Distinguished Achievement in Urban Entomology Award, Ent. Society of America
Distinguished Achievement in Horticultural Entomology Award, Ent. Society of America
Legacy Contribution Award, NCB/Ent. Society of America
University Research Professor
B.C. Pass Endowed Research Professor
College of Agriculture, Food and Environment Awards:
Master Teacher Award
TP Cooper Award for Distinguished Agricultural Research
GE Mitchell, Jr. Award for Outstanding Service to Graduate Students
High Impact Research/Extension Award
United States Golf Association Green Section Award
Professional Landcare Network National Leadership Award
American Nursery/Landscape Assoc. Distinguished Achievement Award
KY Turfgrass Council “Man of the Year” Award