KY Private Pesticide Applicator Page for CES Staff
This page provides information for certification of private pesticide applicators in Kentucky.
A certified private pesticide applicator can use Restricted Use pesticides to produce any agricultural commodity on property owned or rented by him (her) or an employer, or to the lands of a farmer-neighbor, if the application is made without compensation other than trading of personal services between producers of agricultural commodities. Certified private applicators also may train workers to satisfy Worker Protection Standards
Private applicator certification is valid for 3 years and expires on December 31 of the final year. Applicators must go through the county training porgram to keep their certification in effect.
Minimum standards for Certified Private Applicators
(In part from Code of Federal Regulations Part 40 Protection of Environment)
- Have a practical knowledge of common pests and their damage.
- Be able to read and understand the label and labeling information including- common name of the pesticide applied, pests to be controlled, timing and methods of application, safety precautions, any pre-harvest or re-entry restrictions and any specific disposal procedures.
- Know how to follow label instructions and warnings, be able to prepare proper concentrations and calibrate application equipment.
- Recognize local environmental situations that must be considered during application to avoid contamination.
- Be able to recognize poisoning symptoms and procedure to follow in case of a pesticide accident.
- Applicators must keep records of their use of both general use and Restricted Use pesticides for a period of 3 years. The information must be recorded within 14 days of application. No standard recordkeeping form is required. This page from the USDA discusses proper record keeping.
- Understand and comply with Worker Protection Standards - see Worker Protection tab at top of page
- Store pesticides in accordance with federal and state laws and regulations.
- Videos and narrated powerpoints for private applicator training are available from this site.
Basic Information
New private applicator certifications are handled securely on the PATIM website ( Contact Ric Bessin for access and information using this site We no longer give lists of private applicators to dealers without an open records request. However, the lists are posted on the internet so everyone has equal access. The county lists are available under the Certified Private Applicator List tab. We do not provide certification numbers to dealers, they need to obtain these from applicators at the time of sale. Cards can be reissued for private applicators that lose their card.
Order half-page pesticide forms from Jessica VanErden, Extension Entomology Staff Assistant, (859) 257-7450, Keep forms on file until the certification expires, then destroy them.
Applying Pesticides Correctly manual is available through Ag Distribution - order by name, it does not have a publication number.
Private Applicator Yellow Cards: Tell Jessica VanErden how many you need. They are sent by mail. Orders are now being filled with cards that can be sent through a laser printer.
Publications and Resources for Applicators
- NATIONAL Pesticide Applicator Certification CORE MANUAL - basic information on many pesticide topics. All private applicators should get a copy of this manual as a reference because everything they need to know cannot be covered in the training that they receive.
- Private Applicator Record Keeping Manual - Ordered through Ag Distribution as 'PARM'. This record keeping manual complies with KDA, EPA WPS, and USDA requirements.
- Insect Management Recommendations for Field Crops and Livestock
- All information and recommendations in the Ky Crop and Livestock Pest Management Recommendations are time-sensitive and apply only to Kentucky.
- Field Crops Weed Control Guide (AGR-6) All information and recommendations in AGR-6 are time-sensitive and apply only to Kentucky.
PSEP PROGRAM Coordinator
Ric Bessin
S-225 Ag Science North
Lexington, KY 40546-0091
Phone: (859) 257-7450
Fax: (859) 323-1120