4-H KY Keepers: Extension Resources
This page contains resources that Kentucky Extension Staff and Master Naturalists may use to facilitate the KY Keepers Invasive Arthropods Education and Monitoring program.
OSE Invasive Arthropod Educator Certificate: Nearpod Codes
Take the Nearpod version of the presentations if you are interested in becoming certified as an Invasive Arthropod Educator from the KY Office of the State Entomologist. Each module in the KY Keepers program has a code. Use the appropriate code along with your name--please use the format LAST FIRST COUNTY when you enter your name so that we can track your progress. The certification program will take about 6-8 hours to complete. These modules are designed primarily for 4-H Staff and adult/teen 4-H leaders and volunteers who work with younger 4-Hers (Note: these codes change over time; check back here for new codes).
To get started, enter codes at Nearpod: https://nearpod.com/student/
To be “certified” as an invasive insect educator, participants must complete these core sessions IN THIS ORDER:
- Pre-Survey: 5TM87
- 4-H KY Keepers: Basics (62 min): 26C5I
- 4-H KY Keepers: Teaching & Communication (52 min): IZ9CJ
- 4-H KY Keepers: Invade It! Lesson Plan (46 min, plus apx 2.5 hours “homework”): S7RPA
- Post-Survey: 624VE
Plus at least one of these:
- 4-H KY Keepers: Spongy Moth (43 min): K6X3G
- 4-H KY Keepers: Imported Fire Ants (20 min): D3GIP
- 4-H KY Keepers: Other Invasives (34 min): XETR4
- 4-H KY Keepers: Spotted Lanternfly (36 min): NQHBL
YouTube Versions
These are the same presentations as the Nearpod modules, but without embedded questions and progress-tracking. Use these if you just want the information without taking the Invasive Species Certification Program, or if you want to share the videos with an audience.
- KY KEEPERS: Invasive Arthropods YouTube Playlist
If you are interested in obtaining unnarrated, Powerpoint versions of the presentations above, contact blaken@uky.edu for a link to a shared folder.
Lesson Plan
Invade It! Your 4-Hers can learn about basic invasive species biology and impacts of specific invasive arthropods that threaten Kentucky. This lesson plan is designed for upper elementary through middle school, and is aligned with Next Generation Science Standards 3-LS1-1 ("life cycles") and 4-LS1-1 ("structure and function"). The lesson plan is designed to be done in two parts, and can be completed in a classroom/club setting or given out as a "take home" activity (younger 4-Hers will likely need guidance as they go through the pages). The complete lesson plan should take about 2 hours or more to complete.
OSE Certified Invasive Arthropod Educators
The following individuals have completed the Nearpod "Invasive Arthropod Educators" certification program. These individuals have completed the Kentucky Keeper certification program and are hereby certified to instruct other Kentuckians about the importance of invasive arthropods and how to slow their spread.
- Elizabeth Mefford - 4-H Volunteer, Carroll County (2024)
- Michael Barnes - Kentucky Master Naturalist, Madison County (2024)
- Deborah Hinton - KY 4-H Volunteer, Taylor County (2024)
- Abigail Roy - KY 4-H Agent, Pulaski County (2024)
- Ashley Hunt - KY 4-H Agent, Lewis County (2024)
- Madison Adkins - KY 4-H Agent, Scott County (2024)
- Nicole Hinkle - KY 4-H Extension Assistant, Martin County (2024)
- Cheyenne Lamb - KY Horticulture Agent, Montgomery County (2024)