101 - Hessian Fly in Kentucky
102 - Blister Beetles
103 - Aphids
108 - Southwestern Corn Borer
109 - Armyworms in Corn
110 - Fall Armyworm in Corn
114 - Float Plant Pests
115 - Potato Leafhoppers
120 - Wireworms
126 - Corn Leaf Aphid
129 - Lesser Cornstalk Borer
159 - Red Cocklebur Weevil
200 - Peachtree Borer
202 - Plum Curculio
203 - Codling Moth
205 - European Red Mite
206 - Nut Weevils
207 - Common Strawberry Pests
208 - Grape Insects
210 - Pecan Insects
212 - Oriental Fruit Moth
213 - Lesser Peachtree Borer
214 - Green Fruitworms
216 - Leafrollers
220 - Grape Root Borer
221 - Grape Berry Moth
224 - Grape Flea Beetle
226 - Rasberry Crown Borer
300 - Cabbage Pests
303 - Whiteflies in Gardens
304 - Potato Pests
305 - Stink Bug Damage to Corn
307 - Garden Fleahopper
309 - Seedcorn Maggots
311 - Cucumber Beetles
315 - Cabbage Webworm
321 - Yellowstriped Armyworm
324 - European Pepper Moth
400 - Elm Leaf Beetles
401 - Cankerworms
410 - Pine Sawflies
411 - Yard Wasps
414 - Yellow Poplar Weevil
415 - Boxelder Twig Borer
423 - Eastern Tent Caterpillar
424 - Tent Caterpillars
425 - Spongy Moth and Kentucky
429 - Juniper Scale
434 - Fletcher Scales
443 - Southern Pine Beetle
455 - Maple Shoot Borer
472 - Annual Bluegrass Weevil
601 - Carpet Beetles
603 - Carpenter Ants
609 - Clothes Moths
610 - Foreign Grain Beetle
616 - Powderpost Beetles
626 - Firewood Insects
653 - Old House Borer
702 - Ladybugs
703 - Praying Mantids
705 - The Wheel Bug
706 - Ground Beetles
707 - Soldier Beetles
708 - Green Lacewing
711 - Surprising Cave Beetle
© 2025 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment